Jesus states very plainly,
“Let the little children come to me.”
Jesus recognized that the future of the church is our children.
Christ Church realizes that the future of our faith and community is our children.
At Christ Church, children are wholeheartedly welcome in worship and within our community.

Sunday Mornings
At 8:00 a.m.
The Nursery is open every Sunday morning from 7:45 to noon. Infants though 3-years-old are invited to come play, snack, sing, dance, and have time with friends under the supervision of our amazing Nursery Team. Children can be dropped off as early as 7:45 a.m. for the 8:00 a.m. service.
9:15 a.m.
During Sunday School for our 4-year-old through 5th graders, the Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3-years-old. Godly Play is offered for children in Pre-K 4 through 3rd grade. In Godly Play, children learn the stories of our faith while playing, crafting, and exploring. A snack is offered. Journey Through the Bible is offered for 4th and 5th graders. This two year curriculum dives into the Bible and learning more about what we believe. This year’s focus is the New Testament.
10:30 a.m.
During the 10:30 A.M. service, the Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3-years-old.Children’s Chapel is a time for our preschool through 5th graders to come together for their own special lesson and wiggle time during “big church.” Children are invited to follow the cross down the main aisle to the Children’s Chapel during the Sequence Hymn. Children will return during the Peace, just in time to have communion with their families.

We are always in need of Sunday School volunteers! Volunteers come in all varieties, and you might be surprised by how your personal strengths can be utilized in this important ministry. If you are interested in the formation of Christ Church’s youngest worshippers, please contact our Director of Children and Family Ministries, Victoria Wright.
Children's Acolytes
All children first to fifth-grade ages are encouraged to serve a turn as a children’s acolyte. Children take pride in taking part in the service! There are three positions each week: crucifer, flag, & Candle Lighter.
If your child is interested in serving, please email the Christian Education Office or call (850) 432-5115.