SERVICE TO OTHERS is the backbone of our faith. Explore all the ways you can serve and give back with Christ Church.
If you are looking for ways to be involved, please contact Rev. Katie (850-432-5115 or Email) who can connect you with the ministry liaison or committee chair member.
Montclair Elementary
Montclair Elementary is an amazing school, located in one of the most impoverished communities of Pensacola. Students often struggle, have traumatic lives, and find the school to be a safe haven. The school has a mission to create a place where students want to learn, teachers want to teach, and the community comes together. The administration, staff, and teachers have done incredible work in transforming the school and making a positive difference in the lives of the students.
Over the past two years, Christ Church has become a community partner for Montclair where we listen to the administration and learn ways that we can bless the ongoing work of the staff. We are committed to providing mentors, assisting with school experience trips, engaging ways to appreciate the teachers and staff, and continuing to stock the school store. To be involved with the partnership at Montclair and to learn more about how to be a role model for students, contact Rev. Katie. Jennifer Adkins serves as the coordinator for school parties for classes throughout the year and coordinating teacher appreciation events.
Central Gulf Coast CDF Freedom Schools
The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® Model is a summer program, rooted in the Mississippi Freedom Summer project of 1964, designed to be a literacy and cultural enrichment program for children and youth in underprivileged communities. As a research-based, multicultural integrated reading curriculum, the program provides academic enrichment, parent and family development, civic engagement with social action, intergenerational servant leadership development, and a focus on nutrition and health.
The Central Gulf Coast CDF Freedom School opened on June 24 to promote literacy for the youth in our community from Montclair Elementary, Dixon School of the Arts, and Global Learning Academy. Thank you to the Rev. John Phillips and to Jennifer Adkins, board members, in helping to prepare the opening of the school.
Children in Crisis
Since opening its doors in 2008, Children in Crisis (CIC) has provided a safe, secure, loving home to more than 800 children at the CIC Children’s Neighborhood. The CIC Neighborhood, located in Fort Walton Beach, contains an emergency shelter and five family-style homes, all staffed with full-time, round-the-clock house parents. The beautifully landscaped campus also has eight studio apartments for transitional housing to help prevent young adults aging out of the foster care program from becoming homeless.
If you are looking for ways to be involved, please contact Rev. Katie (850-432-5115 or Email) who can connect you with the ministry liaison or committee chair member.
FavorHouse of Northwest Florida is a domestic violence center serving Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. FavorHouse shelters and crisis lines are staffed 24 hours a day, year-round. Victims, their families, and those who are assisting them may call for help at any time at (850) 434-6600. Christ Church continues to support FavorHouse and women in need.
Pathways for Change
Those who are imprisoned
Pathways for Change is a faith-based, non-profit organization focused on changing lives, reducing crime, and building futures. Pathways fulfills its mission by offering programs in the areas of education, workforce development, counseling, reintegration services, family support services, and veteran services. Additionally, Pathways fights poverty through four community programs including the Men’s Residential Treatment, The Family Center, the Women Veteran’s Treatment, and P.A.T.H. Internships. Sarah Ballew coordinates with Pathways for Change.