SUNDAY | 10:30AM | Liturgy Of the Word Rite II in the Church*

Livestreamed each Sunday

CHILDREN - At Christ Church, children are wholeheartedly welcome in worship and within our community.

  • Children’s Chapel is a time for our preschool through 5th graders to come together for their own special lesson and wiggle time during “big church.” Children are invited to follow the cross down the main aisle to the Children’s Chapel during the Sequence Hymn. Children will return during the Peace, just in time to have communion with their families.

BABIES - At Christ Church, children are wholeheartedly welcome in worship and within our community.

  • Nursery supervision is available. Infants though 3-years-old are invited to come play, snack, sing, dance, and have time with friends under the supervision of our amazing Nursery Team.

*During Lent we may celebrate Holy Eucharist Rite I